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Yuxuan Du

  duyuxuan123[at]                               Google Scholar

About Me: I am currently visiting at Nanyang Technological University. Previously, I served as a Senior Researcher at JD Explore Academy, and also a member of DMT (Doctor Management Trainee) program in, Inc. I received my Ph.D. degree in the School of computer science, The University of Sydney, supervised by Prof. Dacheng Tao (IEEE Fellow) and co-supervised by Prof. Min-hsiu Hsieh and Prof. Tongliang Liu. Prior to my doctoral studies, I studied Physics (National Base-level physics class) at Sichuan University. Additionally, I undertook a visiting student program at The University at Albany---State University of New York in 2013.

Research Interest: My research interests include quantum machine learning applications, quantum learning theory, and AI for quantum science.

Hiring: Multiple Master's and Ph.D. positions at Nanyang Technological University are currently available. We seek students with robust a strong mathematical background or coding abilities to collaborate on research in quantum learning theory and quantum AI. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact me via email with detailed resumes.
